I was stunned at the deep truths contained in this paragraph:

Dr. Gabor Maté says it perfectly; “Children don't get traumatized because they are hurt. They get traumatized because they're alone with the hurt." Studies have shown that social support plays a crucial role in mitigating the negative effects of trauma. Feeling isolated and lacking connection during or after a traumatic event can exacerbate the emotional and psychological impact. Trauma can be a deeply isolating experience, making us feel misunderstood, ashamed, and alone. Lack of support can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of developing mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Connection is the cornerstone of healing.

I’ve experienced wounding/trauma of “being alone w/ my hurt” in my own life & seen its effects in my friends’ lives - the fallouts in both attest to the truth of this. After much therapy, if my childhood wounds are triggered, I stop… then parent my child as she needed to be parented way back when. The effects are huge in my adult life!

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Lots to think about!

(I never thought of Scout’s hair being the same colors as your hair, I always thought it was the color Christian’s.)

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